🥳Mod Configuration


NML provides a user friendly interface for ModConfig, like below:

Corresponding config file Example

There are two ways of setting up your project to use this window.

If your main class implements IMod, you need to implement the IConfigurable interface with the same class. Return an instance of ModConfig to pass and receive the configuration result through your main class' GetConfig() method.

If your main class implements BasicMod<T>, you do not need to implement IConfigurable. You only need to create a file named default_config.json under your mod folder (ModTemplate provides a default one), and edit/add to it.

Example of using GetConfig() with BasicMod<T>

default_config.json is an abstract serialized ModConfig. It provides the format and default values for configuration. The user's configuration will be saved in another file consistently.

Edit default_config.json

default_config.json is a JSON file.

The file will be deserialized into an instance of Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ModConfigItem>>, which is retrieved with ModConfig.GetConfig().

The first string is the groupId of the config group. In the example default_config.json in ModTemplate the groupId is "Default".

The second string is the Id of the config item, while ModConfigItem is a class which contains methods for getting and setting the value of the config item.

Note that ModConfigItem.GetValue() always returns an object so you will need to cast the result of ModConfigItem.GetValue() to the intended data type.

For ModConfigItem, you need provide:

  1. Id: Unique identifier of the item in the group. It is used to get value of the item in your code.

  2. Type: Type of configuration item. These are valid: SWITCH, SLIDER, TEXT(text edit).

  3. IconPath: Path of item icon, it will be loaded through Resources.Load. You can leave it empty if you do not need icon for it.

  4. TextVal: If Type=="TEXT", you need to fill the item(string) as default value of text edit.

  5. FloatVal: If Type=="SLIDER", you need to fill the item(float) as default value of slider.

  6. BoolVal: If Type=="SWITCH", you need to fill the item(bool) as default value of switch button.

  7. MinFloatVal: If Type=="SLIDER", you can fill the item(float) as minimum value of slider, default to be 0.

  8. MaxFloatVal: If Type=="SLIDER", you can fill the item(float) as maximum value of slider, default to be 1.

  9. Callback: Callback method name. It's optional.

For Callback, you need to define a static method, the method accepts a parameter(Type of the parameter should be the type of ModConfigItem's value). For such a ModConfigItem:

    "Id": "Example",
    "Type": "SLIDER",
    "FloatVal": 0.5,
    "Callback": "ExampleType:ExampleCallbackMethod"

You need to implement such a method below


class ExampleType
    void ExampleCallbackMethod(float pUpdatedValue)
        // Your callback method's code

Callback Example

Please note, in-game changes to the mod configuration will be applied after you close the configuration window, not in real-time.

Except above, you need to provide locale definitions for groupId and Id. Please see Multilingual for how to provide locale definitions.

Last updated