
Because NML has not support from Maxim, it cannot be loaded from workshop directly. You need to install it manually for the first.


Mods require "Experimental Mode" enabled. So first of all, enable "Experimental Mode" in game Settings/Settings/Experimental Mode.

Get NML File

There are multiple approaches. The most suggested one is to download on Github.

Steam Workshop


Subscribe the item on the website and wait for downloading completed.

Find File

Change common/worldbox to workshop\content\1206560\3080294469

The selected file is neccessary.



Goto Github Releases or other mirror stations download the latest released .dll file.


It is recommended to subscribe to the NML item on the Steam Workshop to receive automatic updates.

Install NML

Easily, copy/move NeoModLoader.dll to appropriate path.

First, go to game path:


Go to worldbox_Data/StreamingAssets/mods under game folder. Copy the .dll file found above to here. Like this:


Right-click the worldbox icon in the worldbox folder, select "Show Package Contents", then go to Contents, then Resources, then Data, then StreamingAssets, then mods.1

Copy the .dll file found above to here.


Last updated