😎Create a mod

There are two options: create from mod template or from empty folder.

Create from mod template

If you know how to use git and have SSH Key configured on Github, just execute the command under GAMEPATH/Mods

git clone git@github.com:WorldBoxOpenMods/ModTemplate.git <ModName>

Otherwise, download ModTemplate, and unzipped it under the folder GAMEPATH/Mods.

Then your folder structure should be like this. Pay attention to directory.

There are several files neccessary to modify

  1. mod.json Modify value of "name" to mod name, "author" to author name. "GUID" to global unique ID of your mod(Determine the ID by yourself to avoid collision with other mods)

  2. ModClass.cs Modify "CHANGEME" to your mod's namespace, and avoid collision with other mods

Then initialize your mod in OnModLoad in file ModClass.cs. BasicMod inherits from MonoBehaviour, you can implement other methods of MonoBehaviour like Update.

Create from empty folder

Create folder

Create a folder under GAMEPATH/Mods, create such two files mod.json and Main.cs like below.

If you use IDE, you should create a .Net Framework4.8 project under GAMEPATH/Mods and then create the two files mod.json and Main.cs below. You can create the project through IDE or write it manually refer to Configure your IDE manually

// mod.json
    "name": "Change me to Mod name",
    "author": "Change me to Author name",
    "version": "Change me to Mod version",
    "description": "Change me to Mod description",
    "GUID": "Change me to Global Unique ID of your mod"
// Main.cs
using UnityEngine;
using NeoModLoader.api;
using NeoModLoader.services;

public class ModClass : MonoBehaviour, IMod
    private ModDeclare _declare;
    private GameObject _gameObject;
    public ModDeclare GetDeclaration()
        return _declare;
    public GameObject GetGameObject()
        return _gameObject;
    public string GetUrl()
        return "URL of your mod's website or item page on workshop";
    public void OnLoad(ModDeclare pModDecl, GameObject pGameObject)
        _declare = pModDecl;
        _gameObject = pGameObject;
        // Initialize your mod.
        // Methods are called in the order: OnLoad -> Awake -> OnEnable -> Start -> Update
        LogService.LogInfo($"[{pModDecl.Name}]: Hello World!");

Configure IDE

Add references to your project. Or you can find the .csproj example in ExampleMod.csproj(DO NOT COPY ALL DIRECTLY. YOU SHOULD DISTINGUISH WHAT IS USABLE)

Load your mod

You have made a simplest mod now. Launch WorldBox now.

If there are no problems above, you can find this in console:

[NML]: [Mod Name]: Hello World!

And you can also find your mod in "Mods" window provided by NML.

Last updated