Basic development configuration
We configure development environment in the section.
You need to be intellectually complete and have the ability to think for yourself
In order To better solve The problems you will encounter, it is recommended to first read How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Then you need to master the most basic CSharp knowledge
If you can, it is recommended to master basic Git usage
Basic Environment
Worldbox Game
Install NeoModLoader
Code Editor
Here are a few options, in order of recommendation:
. Paid, but student certification/open source project availableVisual Studio Community
. FreeVisual Studio Code
. Free, lightweight, but cumbersome for beginners to configureNotepad
. Free, lightweight, no-configuration, just dumb
Game Source Code
Here, I recommend both of them
gets readable code and exports symbolic files (.pdb)DnSpy
UI is nice, the buttons are highlighted when you hover over them (ILSpy is not), and when you look at the IL code you see the index directly
Game Resources
exports game as a Unity project
, console built in game is terrible.UnityExplorer
a BepInEx plugin. You should search for what it can do by yourself.
Example Code
There are some open NeoMod repositories:
ModExample A pure example code repository. It will include all content in the documentation
Last updated